Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Raspberry Pi Camera openCV rendering with low latency streaming with gstreamer via RTP

This is similar to streaming the video from the camera to the client using gstreamer. Except that i have add openCV in the middle for image(video) processing.

You may read this post first for streaming the video to the client with gstreamer (no openCV).
I am using openCV 3.1.0, with RPi specific and libjpeg-turbo optimization.
You can read here to see how to build one for yourself.

Although you may use "apt-get" to get openCV 2.4.9 with no optimization if you don't want to spend the time to build it, i highly recommend you to build one for yourself as it will have considerable performance improvement.

Similar to the "no OpenCV" version, i use the similar command:
raspivid -t 0 -cd MJPEG -w 1280 -h 720 -fps 40 -b 8000000 -o - | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! "image/jpeg,framerate=40/1" ! jpegparse ! rtpjpegpay ! udpsink host=<client_ip> port=<client_port>

However, i have added one more custom program in the middle of it (also one more gst-launch and few other gstreamer plugins):
raspivid -t 0 -cd MJPEG -w 1280 -h 720 -fps 40 -b 8000000 -o - | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! "image/jpeg,framerate=40/1" ! jpegparse ! multipartmux boundary="FRAME_START" ! fdsink | ./opencv_worker | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! "image/jpeg,framerate=40/1" ! jpegparse ! rtpjpegpay ! udpsink host=<client_ip> port=<client_port>
I know it's long, but it actually quite simple. Here is how it goes:
  1. raspivid output JPEG data to FIRST gst-launch
  2. I used "multipartmux", which will generate "Content-Length" to the output data, easy for me to extract the JPEG frame with my custom program ("opencv_worker")
  3. The boundary is "FRAME_START", you can modify it or just make it blank. (It is quite useless, actually)
  4. The multipart JPEG data will feed into opencv_woker
  5. opencv_worker extract raw JPEG frames
  6. opencv_worker do openCV work
  7. opencv_worker output processed frame to stout
  8. SECOND gst-launch gets data from stdin (stdout from opencv_worker)
  9. SECOND gst-launch broadcast JPEG video to client, same as the thing that we do without openCV
  10. Profit!
It is notable that we can even stream two video feed at the same time, using tee, to let you make the command much more longer to let you have more flexibility:
raspivid -t 0 -cd MJPEG -w 1280 -h 720 -fps 40 -b 8000000 -o - | tee >(gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! "image/jpeg,framerate=40/1" ! jpegparse ! rtpjpegpay ! udpsink host=<client_ip> port=<client_first_port>) | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! "image/jpeg,framerate=40/1" ! jpegparse ! multipartmux boundary="FRAME_START" ! fdsink | ./opencv_worker | gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc ! "image/jpeg,framerate=40/1" ! jpegparse ! rtpjpegpay ! udpsink host=<client_ip> port=<client_second_port>
We inserted a "tee" command right after "raspivid", the part that "tee" responsible is to stream the RAW video ("no openCV") feed to the client, while the non-"tee" part will do the openCV processing and stream the openCV video feed to the client.

Now, here is the magic of the openCV worker:
// Required defines
#define MULTIPART_STREAM_BOUNDARY "--FRAME_START" // Custom boundary defined in the multipart stream from stdin

// Includes
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> // openCV C++ header

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

// Global variables
// Input JPEG frame
char* inputJPEGFrame=NULL;
size_t inputJPEGFrameSize=0;
pthread_mutex_t inputJPEGFrameMutex=PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
// Output JPEG frame
char* outputJPEGFrame=NULL;
size_t outputJPEGFrameSize=0;
bool outputJPEGFrameUpdated=false;
pthread_mutex_t outputJPEGFrameMutex=PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

// Fill zero to array
void arrayFillZeros(char* array, size_t arraySize) {
 for(size_t i=0; i<=arraySize-1; i++) {

// Push back character into array
void arrayPushCharAtBack(char array[], size_t arraySize, char c) {
 size_t i;
 for(i=0; i<=arraySize-3; i++) { // -3: 1 for "<=", 1 for c, 1 for \0

// Frame processing thread
void *frameProcessingThread(void* arg) {
 // Solve the issue when inputJPEGFrameSize=0, openCV fails
 while(true) {
  if(inputJPEGFrameSize > 0) {
 // Main processing loop
 while(true) {
  // Obtain a local copy of input frame first
  unsigned char* processingFrame=(unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*inputJPEGFrameSize);
  memcpy(processingFrame, inputJPEGFrame, inputJPEGFrameSize);
  size_t processingFrameSize=inputJPEGFrameSize;
  pthread_mutex_unlock(&inputJPEGFrameMutex); // Release to main thread while we process this frame here
  // Do our processing to processingFrame here, remember to update processingFrameSize
  // JPEG to Mat
  //Mat rawJPEG = Mat(1, processingFrameSize, CV_8UC3, processingFrame);
  Mat imgBuf = Mat(1, processingFrameSize, CV_8UC3, processingFrame);
  Mat imgMat = imdecode(imgBuf, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
  if( == NULL) {
   cout << "Error when decoding JPEG frame for openCV." << endl;
  // Process imgMat here
  // Mat to JPEG
  vector<uchar> buf;
  imencode(".jpg", imgMat, buf, std::vector<int>());
  processingFrame=(unsigned char*)malloc(buf.size());
  memcpy(processingFrame, &buf[0], buf.size());
  // Output the processed frame for output
  memcpy(outputJPEGFrame, processingFrame, processingFrameSize);
  // Clean up, avoid evil memory leaks plz
 return NULL;

void *frameOutputThread(void* arg) {
 while(true) {
  if(outputJPEGFrameUpdated) {
   write(STDOUT_FILENO, outputJPEGFrame, outputJPEGFrameSize);
 return NULL;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
 if(argc == 1) {
  // Thread creation
  pthread_t frame_processing_thread, frame_output_thread;
  pthread_create(&frame_processing_thread, NULL, frameProcessingThread, NULL);
  pthread_create(&frame_output_thread, NULL, frameOutputThread, NULL);
  usleep(3000); // Dumb method to wait thread up, just hope it doesn't add much delay to the stream, and the thread have the time to finish intiialization
  // Read stdin
  size_t bytesRead=0;
  char byteBuffer[1]={0x00};
  char boundaryKeywordWindow[MULTIPART_STREAM_BOUNDARY_SIZE+1]; // +1 for \0
  char contentLengthKeywordWindow[16+1]; // "Content-Length: " is 16 in length, +1 for \0
  char contentLength[8]; // 8 bytes (7 bytes long) should be enough for content length, 1280*720*3=2764800(Not JPEG compressed), only 7 bytes long
  arrayFillZeros(boundaryKeywordWindow, MULTIPART_STREAM_BOUNDARY_SIZE+1);
  arrayFillZeros(contentLengthKeywordWindow, 16+1);
  while(true) { // Main while loop
   // 1: Locate boundary keyword [This one could be removed]
   /*while(true) {
    bytesRead=read(STDIN_FILENO, byteBuffer, 1);
    if(bytesRead == 1) {
     arrayPushCharAtBack(boundaryKeywordWindow, MULTIPART_STREAM_BOUNDARY_SIZE+1, byteBuffer[0]);
     //arrayDump(boundaryKeywordWindow, MULTIPART_STREAM_BOUNDARY_SIZE+1);
    if(bytesRead < 0) { // error
     cout << "Error when reading from stdin." << endl;
    if(strcmp(boundaryKeywordWindow, MULTIPART_STREAM_BOUNDARY) == 0) {
   }*/ // Removed to reduce delay
   // 2: Locate "Content-Length: "
   while(true) {
    bytesRead=read(STDIN_FILENO, byteBuffer, 1);
    if(bytesRead == 1) {
     arrayPushCharAtBack(contentLengthKeywordWindow, 16+1, byteBuffer[0]);
    if(bytesRead < 0) { // error
     cout << "Error when reading from stdin." << endl;
    if(strcmp(contentLengthKeywordWindow, "Content-Length: ") == 0) {
   // 3: Extract content length of the current frame
   size_t i=0;
   while(true) {
    bytesRead=read(STDIN_FILENO, byteBuffer, 1);
    if(bytesRead == 1) {
     if(byteBuffer[0] != 0x0D) {
      contentLength[i]=0x00; // \0
    if(bytesRead < 0) { // error
     cout << "Error when reading from stdin." << endl;
   // 4: Skip the following 3 bytes (0x0A, 0x0D, 0x0A)
   for(i=0; i<=2; i++) {
    bytesRead=read(STDIN_FILENO, byteBuffer, 1);
    if(bytesRead < 0) { // error
     cout << "Error when reading from stdin." << endl;
   // 5: Extract JPEG frame
   ssize_t jpegBytes=atoi(contentLength);
   if(read(STDIN_FILENO, inputJPEGFrame, jpegBytes) != jpegBytes) { // Incomplete read, or error
    cout << "Error, jpeg frame incomplete" << endl;
  // argc != 1
  // Error handling?

I have used POSIX thread here to have the maximum performance.
The main while loop will get data from stdin to one of the global variable.
The processing thread will process the frame with openCV, then the output thread will output the JPEG frame to stdout.
I think the comments in the code are quite self-explanatory.

That's it, you can now have your RPi camera video to process with openCV and stream to client.

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